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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blog 9:Analysis of your writting

         My experience with English 101 was a great experience as I enjoyed meeting and talking to new people and my hilarious teacher.  I did my best to keep up with the class and understand the lessons and tried to incorporate them into my writing skills. To be honest I think I may have underestimated the class as I felt confidence in my writing skills especially after my first in class essay where I got a “B”. Once I started working on out of class essays is when things kind of went downhill as I struggled to create a good thesis for my essays or even a good introduction sentence. I went to the writing center to seek aid in writing a good essay and it helped me a little bit.
      Overall I think I need a lot of improvement  in my essay writing skills but feel  I’m making progress as I do my best to rewrite my mistakes each time I make them. I guess this class helped me a little as I now understand the seriousness of college level writing and understand I need to take things more seriously and try harder than what I have. I had no idea how my writing skills were lacking and was surprised when I saw the grades for my out of class essays as they were not what I had expected. On the other hand I still have some problems writing a good thesis that keeps the readers interested.
       I would say the second out of class essay helped me out the most as once this essay was assigned I went to the writing center where they helped me understand the thesis thing by a little. The lease helpful would be the first out of class essay as It was difficult for me to create a good thesis for discrimination. I didn’t understand how to create and opened argument that discrimination can be both good and bad as discrimination has more cons than pros. Eve the movies we watched provided some help as they were both incorporated in our essays. I enjoyed when the play Oedipus the king as that is my favorite play read and I knew so well as I read it once is 12th grade.
    Before I head into English 102 I want to perfect my essay writing skills as I probably won’t receive as much mercy as I received in English 101. I plan to have my friend help me out as he always gets “A’s” On his essays. I also plan to make more visits to the writing center especially since they were so nice to me and were very patient with my questions.
                Don’t get me wrong I had an awesome time in English 101 despite my troubles. From the beginning of the semester to now I feel my writing skills have changed by only a little but not enough to get the grade I wanted. I believe that if I work just a little bit harder I can achieve the writing skills and the grades I want.