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Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 8: Thematic Connections

In my English class we have discussed a number of different thematic connections but the one theme that caught my attention most was the idea of free will. Both the movie The Minority Report and the book Oedipus the king has helped me understand the idea of free will. After being exposed to both the book and the movie I know how free will works and how more control we have in life than we think we do.

     In Oedipus the king, Oedipus makes a various amount of choices to avoid having a horrible prophecy for told to him by the gods. Oedipus uses free will as he tries to change his fate. Although at the end of Oedipus’s attempts to alter his fate had failed he still made choices that led him to the fate that he ended up suffering.

     In the Movie the minority report a crime relief system called pre-crime was created in attempts to slow down the crime rate in Washington D.C. Free will was notput into concideration in this movie as people were imprisoned becase of crimes they were supossed to commit and not what they committed. The people never got the chance to chose to commit the crime. 


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